A board-certified plastic surgeon? Nope.
A non-board-certified plastic surgeon? Naw.
Some type of surgeon? Not even.
Someone who stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night? Not quite.
He's an Emergency Room physician who has become a cosmetic surgeon. Oh, and he's currently on probation.
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the American Board of Plastic Surgery consider giving away plastic surgery in a contest as a violation of ethics. I agree with this. While we often consider the subject of celebrity plastic surgery as entertainment, plastic surgery is indeed serious and should never be taken lightly by the people who have it or the people who do it. Those in the lay media are responsible to do their homework on anyone whom they recommend as a surgeon. The people who spend a lot of money on advertising are sometimes the ones who are least able to perform the surgeries properly.
Story link: floridatoday.com, plasticsurgery101 blog
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.: