In an interview with US Magazine, adult film actress Jenna Jameson states that she was diagnosed and treated for Malignant Melanoma of the back in Nov 2004. Before she could get treatment for the melanoma, a blood test revealed that she was two months pregnant. She unfortunately miscarried, possibly due to the stress of the cancer. The following month she had the skin cancer surgically removed, and has been cancer-free ever since.
Malignant melanoma is a very aggressive cancer. If left unchecked, it can spread to vital organs and result in death. I'm glad to hear that the skin cancer was curable, as some malignant melanomas are beyond cure. If you have a mole with the following characteristics: Asymmetry (one part different from another), Border irregularity (ragged borders), Color variety, or Diameter larger than 6 mm, then be sure to get it checked by a dermatologist.
Story credit: Celebrity Smack! blog
Photo credit: photorazzi.com
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