The Toxic singer has had trouble shifting those last few blobby bits after giving birth to sons SEAN PRESTON and JAYDEN JAMES. So she decided to Do Somethin’ about it and nipped to see a liposuction specialist in Las Vegas.
The Advanced Lipo Dissolve centre specialises in a non evasive treatment of a series of injections which claim to permanently dissolve fat. It sounds painful and Britney looked a bit tender as her minder helped her on with her jacket.
Lipodissolve is a trade name for a type of mesotherapy. This is a controversial technique pioneered in Europe some 50 years ago which claims to reduce fat and improve cellulite through dozens (sometimes hundreds) of injections with small needles. Non-invasive it is not. To my knowledge, although the technique has been around for a long time, there are no large scale scientific studies which have proven that it actually works. I do not believe that the medications used are FDA approved for that use.
There are a couple physicians who perform mesotherapy in my area, although none of them are board-certified plastic surgeons. The one who does the most is an ER physician who is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery. In my practice I have seen probably ten patients who've had mesotherapy prior to seeing me, and all but one saw no improvement after over $1000 of treatment and were therefore consulting for liposuction. One patient, a male, did appear to have improvement in the fat below his neck, however. Hopefully Britney will be one of those in whom it actually works...
Dr. Rob Oliver's Plastic Surgery 101 blog has a very well-written post in this subject as well, with some other astute observations.
For more information on mesotherapy, visit "Mesotherapy not proven as a safe alternative to liposuction," from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
Story credit: Pink is the New Blog.com
Photo credit: photorazzi.com
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.: