Nadya Suleman Plastic Surgery
Observers claimed Nadya Suleman has a face that showed evidence of plastic surgery.
Now It's clear that Nadya Suleman has had plastic surgery, and her face next to Angelina Jolie's has circulated the Internet many times. But have you seen younger photos of Nadya Suleman?
But After seeing these Pictures You will be convinced that Nadya Suleman has had some kind of plastic surgery on her nose and lips.

Suleman Plastic Surgery
Though Suleman denied having plastic surgery to make her look like the Oscar-winning actress, neighbors, friends and family of the unemployed single mom on food stamps say that's baloney.
Suleman’s lips were suspected of having plastic surgery enhancement because they were particularly full.

Suleman Plastic Surgery
Many outlets are noting Suleman’s facial and coloring similarities to Angelina Jolie. The comparison is not a diss to the actress as she seems to be having children she can take care of, and is more of an observation about Suleman’s assumed obsession with Jolie. It’s interesting that Suleman’s first interview was with Ann Curry, who is one of Angelina’s favorites.

Nadya Suleman Plastic Surgery
The nose does not get smaller as you get older. It gets bigger, longer and/or more bulbous, and any plastic surgeon will tell you that.

Nadya Suleman Cosmetic Surgery
You'll be able to see a difference in her nose, and upper lip. The upper lip in the before photo is thinner than in the after photo.
Nadya Suleman Before And After Plastic Surgery
Look At This "before" photographs of Suleman with thinner lips and a fatter nose.
Nadya Suleman And Plastic Surgery

Nadya Suleman Plastic Surgery
Suleman hasn't commented on the reports that she has had a nose job and had her lips surgically plumped. Instead, she has kept the media focused on the birth of the most recent additions to her brood of 14 children.
Friends of Suleman, who already had six children before giving birth to a further eight, said she had altered her appearance to look like Jolie - who herself has six children.

Nadya Suleman Plastic Surgery
"It's one thing to clip out a celebrity's photo from a magazine and ask your [hair] stylist to copy that cut. Who hasn't done that? But to have a nose job, have collagen injections in your lips and start talking like Angelina -- that's over the top.''
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Did Nadya Suleman get plastic surgery to look like Angelina?
Does Nadya Suleman look good after having plastic surgery?
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