Helen Phillips Before And After
“My mom is really motivated,” says Phillips’s daughter Shanon Thomas, 29, who herself lost 92 lbs. as part of The Biggest Loser: Couples. “She is just as tough mentally as she is physically. I knew she had just as good of a shot as anybody. She’s come such a long way — when I look at her I have to do a double-take. I’m so proud of her.”

Helen Phillips Biggest Loser
"The Biggest Loser's" Helen Phillips said she knew what her more youthful competitors were thinking: "They never considered me a threat... They just looked at me and said, 'You know what? She's 48, she's never going to make it.' "

Helen Phillips Before And After Pictures
"Lucky for me, huh? I kept my mouth shut and flew low under the radar," said Helen.
Helen Phillips Before And After Photos
Helen,was also well aware that in order to win the title of the Biggest Loser and take home the $250,000 grand prize, she'd have to do nothing but workout, workout some more, eat well and keep her eye on the prize.
Helen Phillips Before And After