Lil Kim Bad Plastic Surgery
Kimberly Denise Jones, better known by her stage name Lil' Kim, is an American rapper and singer who was part of the group Junior M.A.F.I.A.

Lil Kim Picture

Lil Kim Bad Plastic Surgery
Lil Kim’s bad nose job is progressively getting worse. Her plastic surgeon pulled a “Michael Jackson” and took way too much off the top. As we age, our bodies change and unfortunately Lil Kim does not have enough cartilage left in her nose to hold it up, so her bridge has sunken into her skull. She looks like someone threw a little bit of putty at her face and called it a nose.

Lil Kim Bad Plastic Surgery

Lil Kim Bad Plastic Surgery
Lil' Kim now looks like she should join the cast of CATS. No make-up or mask required.
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