Alec Baldwin is quoted in this week's Entertainment Weekly on the possibility he may have plastic surgery:
"I have a great ass, if I may say so," the It's Complicated actor, 51, tells Entertainment Weekly in its annual holiday movie preview issue. "That's a part of my body that needs no surgical enhancement or rearranging."
Still, Baldwin, who turned to an "ass double" when he had to to show off his derriere in the new comedy, out Christmas Day, says he wouldn't rule out getting cosmetic enhancements.
"I'm not saying I wouldn't do something! I intend to do something," he says. "I probably will. Let's put it this way: I wouldn't rule it out because... You don't think I wake up every day and wish I looked like this and this and this? But I can't let that bother me."
All of the Baldwin brothers (except maybe Billy, whom I haven't see in a long time) are looking pretty rough over the past few years.
I've never forgotten how he called his daughter a "thoughtless little pig" several years ago. I have a little daughter myself and can't imagine how someone could say that. I think Alec Baldwin is a hairy, obnoxious jerk... He does make some good movies and TV though.
Photo credit: prphotos.com
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