Star Jones announced today she's leaving the View. Everyone knows that she and the new host, Rosie O'Donnell, don't get along. I hear that some of it stems from Star's refusal to acknowledge gastric bypass surgery as the source of her massive weight loss.
As Star has lost more and more weight, her face has become more and more gaunt. In most people this is a natural part of the aging process, however with Star it has been vastly acclerated due to her weight loss. The best treatment for this is fat grafting, or transfer. I'd recommend taking some fat from her butt (or thighs or tummy) and tranferring it to her cheeks to give her more youthful fullness. It's a short surgery (only about an hour) and would look fantastic for her, although it would not improve her personality. Plus, she will have the time off soon to recuperate (takes 2 weeks).
Photo credit and copyright: galleryoftheabsurd.com