Jessica Simpson visits plastic surgeon or psychiatrist? It's been reported that Jessica Simpson recently visited the office building of a prominent Beverly Hills plastic surgeon. Some sources report that she was there to see a psychiatrist instead of a plastic surgeon.
When I practiced in Los Angeles, we were in an office building which housed numerous plastic surgeons, in addition to OB-Gyn's, internists, and many other types of physicians. The mere fact that she went to a "medical building" doesn't mean much of anything.
Now, I wouldn't be surprised if she did visit a plastic surgeon there. It appears to me that she has had a good amount of work done for someone her age. This seems to include a breast augmentation (B's to D's), rhinoplasty (like sister Ashlee), and multiple lip augmentations. Overall, I think the work she's had done is pretty good, with the exception of overplumping the lips on occasion. I would recommend that she stop at this point, however, at the risk of overdoing things.