Olivia Newton-John before and after plastic surgery.

Once upon a time back in 2005, Ms. Newton-John was quoted as saying: "I haven’t had plastic surgery yet, though I would never say never. However, I would like to think that I won't because the thought of it is an uncomfortable one. I think I'm just fortunate, genetically, and I've always said that I want to age gracefully like my mum did."
Wayne Newton before and after plastic surgery
However the mere thought of plastic surgery, must have triggered something for Olivia, considering the singers facial appears has taken on a new image, over the course of the previous five years.

Jackie Stallone before and after plastic surgery
As you may know, whenever a patient starts dabbling in facelift nips and tucks, there is always a chance for that scary subhuman result, however in the case of Olivia Newton-John, she doesn't appear quite as "shocking" as we've seen with previous celebrity plastic surgery victims... Perhaps a diamond in the rough?