Omarosa before and after breast implants plastic surgery.

Omarosa Manigault-Stallworth is a reality television star who is best known for her appearances on Donald Trump's reality show The Apprentice. Plus she currently hosts the dating show entitled, The Ultimate Merger.
Bethenny Frankel breast implants plastic surgery
When we were first introduced to Ms Omarosa back in 2004, she had a very lean modelesque physique with little bust to speak of, however the new found fame appears to have gone straight to her head, and over the course of the last few years we have seen her breast size increase on multiple occasions.

That's right ladies and gentlemen, its quite evident that Ms Omarosa has undergone two separate breast augmentation surgeries, which has boosted her breast size to a very full D or perhaps even a DD.
Renee Zellweger before and after breast implants
The real question is, was plastic surgery the right answer for Omarosa, or will she eventually lose all credibility after her massive boob job?