Lark Voorhies before and after plastic surgery.

Its been just over a year since Lark Voorhies shocked the Saved by the Bell fan club, after revealing a seriously altered face while being snapped by the paparazzi.
Lil Kim before and after plastic surgery
When Lark Voorhies stepped out wearing a pound of powdery joker-esque makeup, people were shocked to say the least, but it wasn't until folks compared the before and after pictures, they realized plastic surgery was most likely the explanation for her new appearance.

As for which particular plastic surgery procedure she underwent, its seems quite evident that an eye lift is responsible for this drastic alteration of a beautiful 35 year woman.
Heidi Montag plastic surgery procedures list
Nobody issued a statement from the Voorhies camp concerning her plastic surgery rumors, so at this point its simply speculation. However its very clear that something happen to Lisa Turtle...