Nicole Coco Austin before and after butt implants surgery.

Nicole Coco Austin is an actress, dancer and glamour model, but she is best known as the extremely curvaceous wife of rapper/actor Ice-T.
And by curvaceous, i mean this woman has one of the most dangerously big backsides in all of show business, which she often showcases for the camera while donning very tight and exposing outfits.
Coco has denied any such claims of butt implants plastic surgery, attributing her massive rump to "my parents have awesome genes" and she maintains her butt by doing "heavy weights, squats and lunges".

The photo above shows Nicole Coco Austin during her early modeling days, while sporting a much trimmer buttock, perhaps before she started her workout routine?
Is anyone buying this story of good genes and exercise will give you mammoth boulder buns of steel? Could this really be anything other than good ole fashion plastic surgery?

Here we have a great double take of Nicole Coco Austin and fellow butt implant suspect, Kim Kardashian, both of which are donning skin tight outfits which highlights the buttock nicely.
Lets hear it folks, does Nicole Coco Austin have real wonder buns or plastic butt enhancers of lies?
And while you're here, don't forget to checkout the worlds worst butt implants.