What plastic surgery has Cher had? Why does it look like she's wearing a Mask?
While Cher has reportedly admitted to some plastic surgery, including a rhinoplasty and laser treatments (source), I believe she's spent a lot more time under the plastic surgeon's knife than she lets on. I doubt the urban legend that she's had a rib removed to thin her torso, but what about the following cosmetic procedures:
1. Facelift - Her jawline is tighter than any 64 year old woman naturally should have.
2. Browlift - Her eyebrows are higher than when she was younger.
3. Botox injections - Hence the smoothness of her forehead and crow's feet
4. Lower blepharoplasty - At 37 I have larger bags under my eyes than she does at 64.
5. Upper blepharoplasty - Note the hollowing of her upper eyelids and the lack of an ounce of extra skin. Not natural.
6. Rhinoplasty - Maybe more than one, although it looks great.
7. Fat grafting - Her face looks almost as plump and soft as when she was in her 20's.
8. Filler injections like Restylane - Her smile lines are soft, too soft for a 64 year old.
9. Chemical peels or laser treatments - Her skin is waxy smooth!
If she could turn back time? I think she did! But I hope she stops while she's still ahead!
Click here to watch a segment of E!'s Celebrity Plastic Surgery: the Good, the Bags, and the Ugly.
Photo credit: prphotos.com
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Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.