You Have Seen Many Bad Plastic Surgery,Plastic Surgery Gone Wrong...but i am Publishing this post to get attention that there is Great importance of Plastic Surgery for Needy such as Connie Culp.
Go Thorough These Connie Culp Before And After Pictures Then You will Know The Fact...

Connie Culp Before And After Pictures

Connie Culp Before And After Photos

Connie Culp Before After
Connie Culp is the first ever United States recipient of a face transplant, performed at the Cleveland Clinic in December 2008.
Connie Culp was shot in the face by her husband Thomas G. "Tom" Culp in a failed murder-suicide in September 2004 outside a bar in Hopedale, Ohio.

Connie Culp Before

Connie Culp After

Connie Culp Before After
He survived as well and was convicted in 2005 of aggravated attempted murder with a 7-year prison sentence. Culp forgave her husband at the sentencing and said she will be waiting when he gets out of prison.
On September 22, 2009, Mrs. Culp said on an episode of Oprah, that she no longer plans to wait for her former husband after her daughter asked her, "Mom, what kind of example would you be setting for me if you went back to the man who shot your face off?"
The shotgun blast shattered her nose, cheeks, the roof of her mouth and an eye. She underwent 30 operations prior to the face transplant on December 10, 2008. Surgeon Maria Siemionow led a team of doctors in a 22-hour operation which replaced 80 percent of Culp's face with the face from another woman who had recently died.
Her nose was rebuilt and some of the disfigurement repaired in the operation.
Culp was able to breathe on her own and eat solid food following the transplant, adding "Ms. Culp’s expressions are still a bit wooden, and she remains blind, but she can talk, smile, smell and taste food again, and has learned braille. Her speech is at times difficult to understand.
Have a look on these Connie Culp Face Transplant Photos...

Connie Culp Before And After

Connie Culp Before And After
Her face is bloated and squarish, and her skin droops in folds that doctors plan to pare away as her circulation improves and her nerves grow, animating new muscles." She now works as an advocate fostering understanding for victims of burns or other disfigurements.
Connie Culp Interview
Ms. Culp, 47, who lives in the rural hamlet of Unionport, Ohio, about an hour west of Pittsburgh, doesn't pretend that her journey has been easy.
Connie Culp 2010
"But right from the beginning," she said, "I was still cracking jokes. When my family first came to see me, they were all standing around the bed crying, and I said 'What are you crying for? I was the one who got shot! Quit it.' "
She also knows how fortunate she's been -- first to survive, and eventually, to find a family who was willing to give her a new face.
Connie Culp Face Transplant
"It is a miracle," she said. "I thought I was going to have to live my whole life looking like I did."
"Connie never said, 'I want to look like a certain person or look like me again'; She said, 'I want to look human again.' "
When it comes to her appearance today, she'll trust her neighbors.
"They say I'm beautiful."
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