California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed the Donda West plastic surgery law this week. This law requires anyone getting plastic surgery to have medical clearance prior to undergoing the procedure. The law is named after Kanye West's mom, who died after having plastic surgery by a non-board certified plastic surgeon. Some believe that she should never have undergone the surgery in the first place due to pre-existing heart problems.
"Sometimes patients may think they are well enough for cosmetic surgery, but in reality are not," said Assemblywoman Wilmer Amina Carter, one of the leading sponsors of the bill. "This bill will potentially save lives."
Patient safety should be the most important thing in the minds of all plastic surgeons. That's why the American Society of Plastic Surgeons enacted numerous requirements and initiatives revolving around their "Culture of Safety." All patients should remember to only choose a board-certified member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and have your surgery performed in an accredited center.
For more posts on Donda West, click here.
Photo credit: prphotos.com
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Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.: