With the recession as bad as it is (I'm hearing that some plastic surgery practices are down 80%!), I thought I'd think up some ways my readers can still have their plastic surgery... but on a budget. Here are my Seven Plastic Surgery Tips to Survive the Recession:
7. Try Saline Implants Instead of Silicone Gel - Although not as natural-looking or feeling, saline breast implants are still nice implants, and may have a lower complication rate. They can also save you a cool grand in implant costs.
6. One Cream to Rule Them All - If you could only use one anti-aging cream for your face, it should be Retin-A. Not only does it improve acne, but it also smooths wrinkles, exfoliates, thickens collagen, and clears blemishes. And it costs less than a hundred bucks for a big tube. Do not use if you're pregnant, though.
5. Try Sculptra instead of conventional fillers - Although not FDA-approved for general cosmetic use yet, many surgeons are using Sculptra off-label to fill in hollowness under the eyes and overall gauntness. Unlike traditional fillers which last only 6-12 months, it can last 3-5 years.
4. Opt for Regular Lipo Over Ultrasonic or Laser Lipo - I recently returned my VASER machine since I didn't see a significant improvement over traditional liposuction in my patients, therefore not justifying the higher price tag.
3. Try Chemical Peels Instead of Lasers - A good TCA peel (like the Blue Peel) is comparable to laser treatments, but carries a much smaller pricetag. Whereas a laser can cost $150,000 to purchase, what are the costs for the supplies of a generic TCA peel? A couple bucks.
2. A Little Botox Goes a Long Way - Many patients are saving money on Botox by using a smaller amount and spreading it out over multiple areas. Instead of injecting 20 units in the forehead, they may have 10 units in the forehead and 10 units in the frown lines.
1. Let Your Insurance Pay For It - Do not take this wrong. Health insurance will not pay for your breast augmentation, tummy tuck, or facelift, BUT it might pay for your upper eyelid lift if you can prove the excess skin of your eyelids severely disturbs your vision. It may also pay for your breast reduction, if your breasts are massive and create severe pain.
If anyone has any other suggestions on how to save money and still have plastic surgery, please comment!
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.: