I don't think so. Make Me Heal has a recent post that gives the opinions of two different plastic surgeons: one who believes she's had a rhinoplasty and another (myself) who thinks she's avoided going under the knife. She has gone on the record as being against plastic surgery. According to Starpulse:
The British actress admits to being tempted by the surgeon's knife but she's holding back for the sake of her marriage.
She reveals, "I am intrigued by surgery but Sam would leave me if I did anything like that."
She also responded with shock and disgust when finding out a person went on MTV's I Want a Famous Face and underwent multiple plastic surgeries in order to look like her. According to AskMen.com she reportedly broke into tears:
She told Britain's The Times newspaper: "I could not believe this girl was putting herself through this because she wanted to look like what she thought I looked like."Jeanette had her breasts increased from a B-cup to a D-cup and had 14lb of skin and fat cut out of her stomach. But Kate said: "I don't have breasts remotely like those. Trust me. She had slabs of her stomach taken out. What is going on?"
I really don't think she's had anything done, not even a rhinoplasty. But only Kate and her surgeon know for sure...
Photo credit: prphotos.com
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.: