If you think Jocelyn Wildenstein has problems, take a look at the Lizardman! He is a 35 year old man who has transformed himself into a reptile via 700 hours of tattooing, five Teflon horns implanted beneath the skin of his eyebrows, filing down of his teeth into sharp fangs, bifurcation of his tongue, and stretching of his septum and earlobes. No, a board-certified plastic surgeon did not perform his procedures. The surgeon would hopefully lose his certification if he did.
Now, as a plastic surgeon, how would I fix the Lizardman to make him look more normal?
Got me!
How would you like to meet this guy in a dark alley at night?
For more information on the Lizardman or to book him for a performance, click here.
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.: