Photos of Jennifer Aniston have recently surfaced, showing a possible lip augmentation. If she's had it done, it is a subtle job, possibly with Restylane. Some may argue that her lips look the same, but if you compare the 'then' to the 'now,' you can see that the lip proportions have changed. In the 'then' photo, her upper lip is slightly smaller than her lower lip. In the 'now' photo, the upper lip is actually larger than the lower lip.
I have stated many times on this blog that the natural lip proportions (with some exceptions) have the lower lip 1.5 times the size of the upper lip. Quite often plastic surgeons become overzealous in augmenting the upper lip, making it appear larger than the lower lip. This creates the all-too-common 'trout pout.' Whether Jennifer Aniston has had her lips done or not, I'm sure John Mayer would agree that her "Body is a Wonderland."
Photo credit: Daily Mail
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Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.: