MSNBC asked me to comment on the various before-and-after photos of 21 Top Celebrities. They've turned it into a slideshow, which has gotten over 2 million visitors in one day (now if only my blog could do that!). Click here for the slideshow.
They also asked me for my Top 7 Tips for Turning Back the Clock Without Looking Bizarre. Here they are:
1. Don't Freeze Your Forehead
2. Avoid the Trout Pout
3. Don't Turn Back the Clock Too Far.
4. Be an Individual
5. Don't Wait til it's Too Late
6. Remember that Less is More
7. Pick Your Doctor Wisely.
For more information on my Top 7 Tips, click here.
Thank you to msnbc, Linda Dahlstrom, and Julia Sommerfeld for including me in their story (and for paying me!).
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.: