Lisa Rinna has recently discussed her views on plastic surgery in an interview with TV Guide. Here is an excerpt:
TVGuide.com: As for plastic surgery... is it pretty much assumed that women in Hollywood will get certain things done?
Rinna: You have to if you're going to work in this business for a certain amount of time; you just don't see older women with a bunch of wrinkles on television. It's not aesthetically as attractive to look at. If you don't fit the norm, you're not going to work...Whatever you want to do personally is absolutely 100 percent what you should do. But if I'm really honest, if you want to work in this town in your fifties, people have plastic surgery, that's what they do!
It's refreshing to see that she is not bashing plastic surgery and people who have it, like some Hollywood stars do. While I think her lips look pretty darn bad, she has always seemed like a down-to-earth, nice person from here.
For the rest of the interview, including more thoughts on plastic surgery, click here.
Photo credit: prphotos.com
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Anthony Youn, M.D.: