I've had some readers ask me what is going on with Joan Van Ark's face. Hmm...maybe some plastic surgery?
She's such a pretty woman so it's a shame she may have altered her looks considerably with plastic surgery. In my opinion, she appears to have had a browlift and upper blepharoplasty, creating the 'hollowed out' appearance to her upper eyes. Her nose looks thinner and shorter, possibly from a rhinoplasty. Her lips also appear augmented, likely from Restylane. In addition, her neckline is almost impossibly sharp for a 64 year old, and can be the result of a facelift. Her cheeks are somewhat puffy, possibly due to facial fat grafting. Finally, her skin has a smooth, waxy sheen. This can be caused by a combination of Botox (forehead), Juvederm (frown lines) and chemical peels or laser treatments.
While I think that some of these (possible) procedures work for her (facelift, injectable fillers), others have not improved her appearance at all (rhinoplasty, lip augmentation). Maybe she should take some advice from her contemporary Joan Collins and not have any plastic surgery at all! (see link)
Photo credit: prphotos.com (after)
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.: