I recently had a magazine ask me which male celebrities are most 'in need' of plastic surgery but haven't had anything done. Lots of politicians came to mind, including Bill Clinton (lower eyelid bags), John Kerry (oops, he already had Botox), and John McCain (saggy neckline). It seems that politicians don't appear to get as much plastic surgery as most other famous people (with the possible exception of Nancy Pelosi).
The person who always struck me as being a great candidate for plastic surgery is Senator Chuck Hagel, he with the hound dog eyes. Everytime I see him on Meet the Press or the Evening News, I can't help but think how much more awake and alert he would look with an upper and lower blepharoplasty. Heck, his upper eyelids are so droopy his congressional health insurance plan would probably cover his upper blepharoplasty anyways!
Upper blepharoplasty is one of the only aesthetic plastic surgeries that can, at times, be covered by health insurance. If your eyelids are so droopy that you have problems seeing due to the hanging skin, you may be a candidate for an insurance upper blepharoplasty. I quite often refer potential patients to an optometrist for evaluation first, as the visual field testing they perform is key to determining benefits. I expect someday the insurance companies will find a way to get out of paying for this surgery.
Photo credit: View Images.com
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.: