Every so often I get an email from a reader with photos of a woman with horribly large breasts. One reader recently sent me a link to Body Philosophy's The World's Largest Breasts article, which can be found here. (Proceed with caution)Most of these women have been implanted with 'string implants,' which are composed of polyprolene strings that apparently expand the longer they are in the breast. They are not currently approved by the FDA, but for a short time were used here in the States for breast augmentation. They often enlarged the breasts to insane sizes, making Pam Anderson look like...well... me. I have never seen these implants nor anyone with them, and hope they are never used again. Plastic surgeons should always remember we are doctors first and plastic surgeons second. We should never to perform a procedure where the risks outweigh the benefits.
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.: