The Village Voice has a story on a New York plastic surgeon who has lost his medical license due to allegations of improper behavior. The story includes Vegas strip clubs, crystal meth, sponges left in breasts, and 'a gigantic penis.' My friends, this is straight out of the tabloids, and I'm not sure what to make of it.
Stories like this make my life look and sound very boring. I've never done drugs, but do like a beer every once in a while. I've never cheated on my wife, or hit on my patients (yet I must admit that they almost never hit on me!). I don't yell at my employees(except when they refuse to refer to me as 'The Artist'), and have never thrown a tantrum in the operating room. I have a handful of patients who I find extremely annoying, but try to always remind myself that my patients give me the lifestyle that I have. I've never been sued, but I have agonized and lost sleep over an unsatisfactory surgical result. I do read to my son before he goes to bed every night, but look forward to lying on the couch afterwards and watching "Lost" with my wife. I like to listen to Jimmy Buffett.
...I guess I don't mind being a little "boring."
Check the article out here.
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.: