Now Magazine and Plasticized.com are reporting that Helen Mirren was offered a host of cosmetic treatments as celebrity swag prior to the Oscars:
According to the Daily Mirror a host of celebs were offered the bizarre 'goodie bags' packes with vouchers for wrinkle treatments, including Botox, to help them look their best at the awards. Plain-talking Helen was having none of it though. 'I'm very vain, which initially made playing Elizabeth Windsor in all those tweeds pretty daunting,' she said. 'But I'm not fond of all those needles and scalpels. 'I'll try to get away with make-up, jewelry and a nice frock.'
Now, some may not like this statement: While I agree that Helen Mirren looked great at the Oscars, she does have some pretty deep wrinkles. Botox would improve these, and if done by a good plastic surgeon, could make her look even better (and not artificial). She is a good example though, of aging gracefully without Botox. I still think that she's possibly had a facelift in the past.
While Helen appears to have turned down Botox, it's too bad that Nicole Kidman appears to have taken them up on their offer, along with taking her pal Naomi Watts' Botox and lip plumper swag. I've never heard of actual surgery being offered in swag bags for free, however.
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.: