According to Starpulse, actress Teri Hatcher now states that she is against the use of Botox:
She is quoted by Daily Express newspaper as saying: "I don't use Botox or Restylane and I've never had any surgery. A male friend in the fashion industry once asked me, 'Why is make-up any different to getting Botox?' I said I didn't think it was a fair comparison, make-up is removable, it's not permanent. But changing the natural chemical state of who you are? I'm not sure."
In March 2006, the Desperate Housewives star admitted having Botox and collagen injections - which plump up the lips - to keep her looking young. Teri - who plays hapless Susan Mayer in the US TV show - said: "In the past, I've had Botox and collagen."
Hmmm, that's a pretty smooth forehead she is sporting in this photo from 2 weeks ago... Must be good genes.
Photo credit: photorazzi.com
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Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.: