The Gambler has gambled on some plastic surgery...and won?? Kenny Rogers was on "American Idol" tonight, looking pretty decent. I believe he's had upper and lower eyelid lifts (blepharoplasty) performed, making his eyes look wide open. It's a good job, since it doesn't make him look too effeminate, like some men who appear to have had work done (Michael Douglas - eyelids, Robert Redford - eyelids, David Gest - yikes!). An upper eyelid lift takes about an hour, can be performed with twilight anesthesia (not general), and has a recovery time of a week or so. Pain is almost nonexistent.
By the way, I thought it was a lackluster night tonight on AI. I'm rooting for Chris, Kelly Pickler, or Mandiva (my favorite, Lisa, got voted off last week!). Bucky, Taylor and Ace need to hit the road!