74 year old Joan Collins is the spokesperson for a new anti-aging cream, called Cellex-C Age-less 15 Skin Signaling Serum. According to reports, she has been less than kind when discussing plastic surgery:
The Dynasty star denied having plastic surgery, claiming lipstick was her secret weapon in the fight against aging. She said: "The most glamorous thing you can do is use lipstick."Joan - who last year revealed her top tips for staying young in her book 'The Art Of Living Well' - has previously made her position on surgery abundantly clear, and recently described Botox as "poison". She said: "Everyone should do what they want. If they want lips like a trout let them. Plastic surgery is the plain women's revenge."
I find her comments offensive. I have never seen a 74 year old look as good as she does without plastic surgery. That must be one heck of an anti-aging cream. Apparently it is the actual Fountain of Youth that civilization has searched for for thousands of years!
Story credit: thebosh.com
Photo credit: photorazzi.com
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Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.: