Katie Couric looks a bit unusual lately. If anyone has watched the CBS Evening News recently, you may have noticed that her eyes and eyebrows look funny. What is going on?
Check out a recent segment here.
Compare it to this, aired a month ago.
In the more recent clip you may notice that her forehead doesn't move, her eyebrows are more arched, and she has an almost "angry" appearance. This is not seen in the older video. The older video does show her elevating her eyebrows and creating some wrinkles in her forehead. There are no forehead wrinkles seen in the recent clip.
I believe that this recent change is due to what I call the "Botox Brow." Botox can be injected into the forehead and between the eyebrows to remove wrinkles there. While it is very effective in doing this, it can create a side effect of an overly arched eyebrow which can make the person look angry, or sinister. The look does seem to diminish with time. I think she looks better without the Botox.
Another example of the Botox Brow, I believe, is Nicole Kidman.
Photo credit: photorazzi.com (taken a few months ago)
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.: